Category: News

Virtual Auditing

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged a great many tried-and-(no longer)-true systems of work. One of these is…

A ‘How To’ for Management Review

Management Review is one of the best explained and worst applied sections of the management system suite…

Business Continuity in a Pandemic: A Case Study

As we come out of COVID-19 isolation, leaving our ‘working from home’ havens and stepping through the…

Due Diligence – Compliance and Verification

Over the previous two issues we have been exploring Officers’ Due Diligence requirements from Sec 27 of…

Due Diligence – what are ‘appropriate resources and process’?

Last month we explored the ‘Officers’ Due Diligence requirements, paraphrasing Sec 27 of…

Worker Mental Wellbeing in Times of Isolation

A high proportion of calls calls made to mental health support lines since the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns…

Due Diligence – what it means and what needs to be done

Last year a number of Royal Commissions placed the actions of Directors, Executives and ‘Officers’ into the…

Employer obligations in managing ‘Work From Home’ arrangements

The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is posing unique business continuity and human resources management challenges to organisations.

Risk Assessment: What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

In terms of risk management, there is a bit of an age-old conundrum (not quite as mind…